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Shane Gibson - Guest Blogging Week on www.IanWatt.ca

Blog by Ian Watt | April 19th, 2009

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #299 - April 21, 2009

Shane Gibson - Guest Blogging Week on www.IanWatt.ca

As Ian Watt takes a week off, Ian is having Guest Blogging Week on www.IanWatt.ca featuring Shane Gibson of . Video blogging isn't easy so if you think you can do any better please submit your video entries to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca . If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.

Shane Gibson: Hi this is Ian Watt from ianwatt.ca. And what I want to talk to you about today is really looking what at what it takes to build a brand. And I guess part of it is sometimes you see these guys out there they got these expensive brochures they all look like each other. You know, its really old school and to large degree, they're missing the boat. And even I see the same people and they go online not mentioning any names of other realtors here in Vancouver but most of them they go online and I'll tell you what they do. They sound just like each other. I'm not gonna tell you everyone likes me. In fact, I'm not even gonna say I actually go back and like all my video blogs. But I say what I mean. And I'm passionate about it and one thing you can count on is when you meet me, I'm exactly like the way I am on video in person except its more like HD in person instead of like 640 by 480 on this particular video. Anyway, as I was saying if you want to create a following online or in life you can't be safe. You got to say what you mean and say what you think and mean what you think, I think. And that's really the key, is to make a statement. Be bold. Don't be afraid you are gonna offend everybody. You don't need the whole world to visit your blog or to build help you build your business. You just need a certain amount of committed people who love what you say. So this is Ian Watt from ianwatt.ca. And if you like what I have to say or you don't. You can send me an email at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. And if you don't like it I don't really care. In fact, I'll probably email it to Steven Jagger and we can have a good laugh about it the next real estate meet-up, between the two of us. But hey this is Ian Watt from ianwatt.ca.