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Who's Not Participtating in Reciprocity? Rennie & Associates, Angell Hasman...

Blog by Ian Watt | April 27th, 2009

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #304 - April 27, 2009

Who's Not Participtating in Reciprocity? Rennie & Associates, Angell Hasman...

Ian Watt video blogs about the Real Estate Board of Great Vancouver's Reciprocity program and how real estate brokerages such as Rennie & Associates, Angell Hasman, Anson and others are not part of the program to post and expose the listings of other brokerages. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt : Hi Good Afternoon. It's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Part of our board our Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board is the opportunity to join the reciprocity program. The broker just consigned this, this agreement to share a listings. So if you go to vancouver-condo.com, for example my site they're not all my listings those are people who agreed to allow me to post those things just because they want the maximum exposure possible. Not every broker just signed this agreement. Now Anson Realty who does a lot of project marketing . Anson's not part of it. Barbara and Rennie or Rennie and associates is not a part of it. Coldwell bankers, city center I don't think is a part of it. Maybe they've changed I'm not sure. Angell Hasman again not part of the reciprocity program. They want to keep their listings to themselves and allow themselves only to advertise it that's fine. Everyone's got their own opinion and they're entitled to it. But the reciprocity program does shed a lot of light on to listings and allows maximum exposure. You want to discuss the reciprocity program. You can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!