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Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village

Blog by Ian Watt | May 28th, 2007

Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village


Southeast False Creek (SEFC) will be a model sustainable community built on the last remaining large tract of undeveloped waterfront land near downtown Vancouver .


On July 2, 2003 Vancouver was awarded the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and the SEFC development site was chosen as the future site of the Vancouver Olympic Village.


The SEFC site comprises 32 hectares (80 acres) of which approximately 20 hectares (50 acres) is owned by the City. SEFC is bounded by Cambie Bridge on the west,
Main Street
on the east, and
2nd Avenue
to the south. The Olympic Village will be located in Area 2A of the SEFC site.


Historically, the Southeast False Creek site was used for industrial and commercial purposes. While maintaining heritage ties to the past, SEFC is being planned as a model sustainable development based on environmental, social and economic principles where people will live, work, play, and learn. SEFC will be a mixed-use community, with a focus on residential housing for families. This complete community will ensure goods and services within walking distance and housin g that is linked by transit and in proximity to local jobs. SEFC will eventually be home to 12,000 to 16,000 people.


These web pages focus on the first phase of the project, and will provide updates on the development of City-owned lands in SEFC.


For details on other phases, for information on the Official Development Plan, or for background reports and descriptions of public consultations, visit the Community Services website.


Project Office


The City of Vancouver established the Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village Project Office to manage the development of the City Lands in Southeast False Creek. The Project Office reports directly to the City Manager's Office and represents the development interests of the City Lands. The regulatory interests of the City are still represented by other departments.


The Project Office is working closely with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) to ensure that the new community meets the design and operational needs of the Olympic Village with little or no temporary modifications.




Olympic Village Summary


During the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Southeast False Creek will be temporarily transformed into the Olympic Village.



For the 2010 Winter Games


  • Area 2A of the SEFC site is the first phase of City-owned land to be developed. It will become Vancouver ’s Olympic Village for the 2010 Winter Games. Area 2A is about seven hectares in size.


  • Vancouver 's Olympic Village will comprise 15-20 permanent buildings, as well as many temporary structures. It will primarily be a residential community, but also includes commercial/retail space.


  • the Olympic Village will house approximately 2,800 athletes and officials.


  • VANOC will outfit and operate the Olympic Village starting November 1, 2009, and will return the Olympic Village to the City of Vancouver on April 7, 2010.



After the 2010 Winter Games


  • after the 2010 Winter Games, the buildings of the Olympic Village will become permanent residential housing, with a focus on housing for families.


  • the Olympic Village is the first phase of a new mixed-use community, and will contribute about 1,100 residential units (250 of which will become affordable housing, and another 100 units will become modest market housing).


  • while maintaining heritage ties to the past, SEFC is planned as a model sustainable development based on environmental, social and economic principles where people will live, work, play, and learn. This complete
    community will ensure goods and services within walking distance and housing that is linked by transit and in proximity to local jobs.


  • SEFC buildings will be a showcase of sustainable development and designed to LEED® Gold, with a goal of LEED® Platinum* for the community centre.


  • when fully developed , SEFC will have six million square feet of development. This will include: more than 5,000 residential units; full-size community centre and non-motorized boating facility; three to five licensed childcare facilities; two out-of-school care facilities; an elementary school; interfaith spiritual centre; restoration of five heritage buildings; and 10 hectares of park.


  • shoreline works will include a new island and inter-tidal fish habitat, bridge, boardwalk, and seaside greenway and bikeway.


  • other unique features will include urban agriculture; rainwater management systems; green roofs; and neighbourhood energy system.


  • by 2020, Southeast False Creek will be home to 12,000 to 16,000 people.

    (* LEED® is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the North American standard for measuring green building performance.)

