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Marpole is bringing down Coal Harbour, Yaletown, and Downtown Vancouver

Blog by Ian Watt | November 17th, 2008

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #183 - November 17, 2008

Marpole is bringing down Coal Harbour, Yaletown, and Downtown Vancouver

Ian Watt video blogs about the stats for the west side of Vancouver condos which are lumped together, meaing that Marpole is bringing down Coal Harbour, Yaletown, and Downtown Vancouver. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt: Hi good afternoon! It’s Ian Watt. Just driving up South Granville heading out to Downtown Vancouver and we've had a lot of press recently regarding the correction of the prices of Vancouver Real Estate and condos on the west side. Now the Downtown Vancouver condos are also seen a bit of a hit. We probably seeing about 10% in some of all are 15. But also I want to keep you informed that when they do the stats for west side condos. They're also including Marpole. And there's no way that Marpole are main street west there's no way that those ones that compete Downtown core. The Downtown core, the Downtown has it's own market. It's an own space, it's got his own vibrancy it should be its own mls stat right there Downtown. Coal Harbour should be one and Yaletown and Downtown should br there own. But they don't have lump in with all the $200,000 condo down in Marpole. So when things are getting ahead. Keep in mind those not so sought after areas are going to be the last one to sell. So that doesn't really compare with the prices of Coal Harbour or Yaletown or Downtown Vancouver. Keep that in mind as well. my name is Ian Watt. You can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day.