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Price is dictating whether your place will sell or not

Blog by Ian Watt | December 3rd, 2008

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #195 - December 3, 2008

Price is dictating whether your place will sell or not

Ian Watt video blogs about the difference between places that are price by the realtor and places that are priced by the sellers. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt:  Hi good afternoon! It’s Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Just heading out on Downtown Vancouver going to meet some clients. I'm gonna chain myself to their desk until I get my price reductions. They might have to call the cops but I'm not leaving until either cancel the listing or sign the price reduction. Now it's really interesting coz' right now I have a handful listings that I price myself and my clients agreed based on all the evidence of the market and those ones are so busy. I am showing those ones you know probably two times a day three times a day showing those properties and there's a handful of them so I'm quite busy with those ones. Then I have a handful of properties where my clients have priced them for me and the funny thing is I'm not getting any phone calls on them nothing whatsoever. It's not because one product is better than the other. Is that one is more accurate as far as the price is concern. So do yourself a favor and priced it accordingly and if you don't trust your realtor get one that you do trust and let them price it because this is nlot the market to be I sound like a broken record. This is not to the market to be setting new records out there as far as price is concern. This is definitely not the market for that. So I'm going out I'm going to meet my clients. I'm gonna chain myself to the desk they might have call the cops or the fire department. To cut the desk and get me out of there but I'm not leaving until I get a hundred thousand dollar price reduction on their penthouse. My name is Ian Watt. You can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!