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Ian Watt is at the BarCamp in San Francisco with David Gibbons of Zillow

Blog by Ian Watt | August 4th, 2009

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #376 - August 4, 2009

Ian Watt is at the BarCamp in San Francisco with David Gibbons of Zillow

Ian Watt video blogs from the the BarCamp in San Francisco with David Gibbons of Zillow and learns about what barCamp is all about. Ian will be video blogging from Connect all week long on various topics and with various key people in the real estate and techonology industries. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.

David Gibbons : Good Morning, its Ian Watt,
Ian Watt : in San Francisco. I'm with David Gibbons from Zillow. And we're in San Francisco at BarCamp. Never been to a BarCamp. So what is it?
David : Welcome to BarCamp. BarCamp is an event for discussing marketing in real estate, trains in real estate. Basically, its what you wanted to be. Basically, what happens , its a whole bunch of smart broad kids together, people who know what they're doing in the industry and they compare notes. Imagine the conference with no agenda. We basically woke up this morning and we talked about among ourselves why were here and we spend the day comparing notes on what's working in selling homes around the country.
Ian : And there's like 200 or 500 people. I don't know.
David : 400 people and more, supposed to be arriving.
Ian : its crazy.
David : Yeah yeah. Its absolutely crazy.
Ian. So how is it broken down to different groups? Like what topic?
David : So what happens is we broke the room up in 5 different groups. But the topics are totally undetermined. No one knows yet.
So you need to tell us what you wanted to talk about.
Ian : Okay.
David : We write that up on the the board. Put together a conference schedule in the first half hour and we spend the rest of the day working on that stuff. So the nice thign about it is you don't come here and pitched by vendors. You come here and learn from your peers.
Ian : Okay great ! So if someone wants to learn about videoblogging, what's gonna happen?
David : If you wanna learn about videoblogging, you pitch in here, you say to the organizer " i want a session on videoblogging and what happens is, normally only a few people who are really good at at that will arrive , talk about videoblogging and compare notes. You should hook up with Ted M. , he's here, the two of you should host the session on videoblogging and all the realtors in the room who are interested in it can join you guys. But the deal is, you're not selling anything,. You're just sharing your expertise.
Ian : Fantastic. Well this is my first BarCamp. I'll tell you how it goes. My name's Ian Watt and you can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca . Thank you very much (shake David's hands) and have a great day !