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Foreclosure Fun in Downtown Vancouver

Blog by Ian Watt | August 13th, 2009

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #383 - August 13, 2009

Foreclosure Fun in Downtown Vancouver

Ian Watt Video blogs about how the court bailiff's and the police had to assist in accessing a foreclosure in Downtown Vancouver. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.

Ian Watt : Hi Good Afternoon . Its Ian Watt in Downtown, Vancouver. This morning, we had some excitement. we were dealing with a foreclosure. A property that the owner, occupied property, the owner doesn't really want to cooperate with the courts, too unfortunate situation because if you deal with the courts and cooperate, chances are, we're gonna get the best dollar for your property. I know its a difficult situation to be in but if you cooperate, it will probably minimize your debts that you owe. Now, the owner did not cooperate and we had to get a force entry with some bailiffs and the baicliffs came along. They assess the situation. They obtain entry into the property. At that point, they called us from the streets and said " Okay, its safe to come on in.: We went in, did some photos and measured up the place. The place is actually quite a nice character place. Has a lot of potentials. Its going to be a fantastic property, And the thing is unfortunate because the owner was very upset about the situation. The police were called. We were all involved in this for the whole morning. The police handled it exceptionally well. They defuse the situation and now we're moving on to the next stage of listing the property. Dealing with foreclosures is not easy. Its a very sensitive situation. But its exciting. There's a lot going on and it lets you actually witness the situation like that. Its hard to describe what we actually have gone through. My name's Ian Watt. If you have any questions regarding foreclosures, you can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!