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I Want To Be Your Second Choice When You Choose A Realtor

Blog by Ian Watt | January 18th, 2010

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #472 - January 19, 2010

I Want To Be Your Second Choice When You Choose A Realtor

Ian Watt video blogs about how everyone has a friend, neighbour or relative who's a realtor. Ian suggests that you work with them first and when they can't sell your place, call Ian to get the job done. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.

Ian Watt: Hi Good Afternoon, its Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Everybody has a friend, everybody has a relative, everyone has a neighbor. Who is a realtor. There are so many realtors in Vancouver and in Greater Vancouver you throw in the Real Estate Board there's gonna be over a 20,000 in British Columbia. There's around 10,000 in Vancouver alone. Well, the thing is everyone has a social obligation to work with their friend, their relative, their neighbor and we feel guilty about not listing our home for sale with them first. So that's fine no problem. There is a social obligations, social contracts that we have to abide by or else Christmas dinner will be terrible because we have a lot of bad blood. So hire your friend, your relative, your neighbor to sell your place but when they can't do it my goal is to be your second choice. That's right, I wanna be everybody second choice. If it they can't get a done call Ian Watt and that's the best way to do it so I'm not out there to steal clients but when they can't get the job done. I want people to think of me. I wanna be your second choice so when you can't sell your property with your first realtor. You give me a shout. My name is Ian Watt and if you have any questions. You can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!