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Part 2 - Realtors Have a Reputation and Everyone Hates Them Because...

Blog by Ian Watt | May 21st, 2010

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #553 - May 20, 2010

Part 2 - Realtors Have a Reputation and Everyone Hates Them Because...

Ian Watt video blogs about how Realtors have a Reputation of being skummy and unethical and its no surprise that everyone hates the stereotype of all real estate agents, but Ian wants to hear from you why. What are your reasons for hating realtors and the real estate "profession". If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.

Ian Watt: Hi Good Afternoon, it's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Did a video yesterday regarding what people think of realtors and why they don't trust realtors and the feedback was amazing. I just love this kind of thing and I think if we look at the honest feedback openly then our industry might overcome this obstacles and its funny because the realtors comments on this question were very, well they are all over the place. Some people just thought that its the clients fault, some people just thought that they were misunderstood, some people just thought that they don't appreciate what realtors do. And maybe those are valid points I don't know not my opinion. But on the other hand I got a bunch of emails from just regular people and what they were saying was realtors make too much money, they don't do enough work, they drive around in BMW's and Mercedes Benz and look all important but the problem is when an issue came up they didn't address it, they didn't answer their phone or they didn't come to the rescue of the client. And I think that is one of the biggest issues were that people disappear after the people have bought their place. They don't want it they're only got their commissions, they already did their work and I think that was the biggest problem. Its very interesting that we have this reputation but on the other hand its not. Because I think becoming a realtor's pretty damn easy anyone can do it and its surprising how many realtors there are and I think in Canada there's maybe a hundred thousand realtors, in California apparently there's hundreds of thousands of realtors just in California alone. But I think that's the biggest problem too many people are realtors and not enough disclosure or not enough information is out there about were this people specialize in and I think that's the biggest problem because I don't know anything about West Vancouver houses but if I go over there because somebody I know wants to list their property I'm doing them a disservice. I think what we should have is more disclosure, more openness, more transparency on how many deals I do and where I do them. I think that's the biggest problem. We have to by in to this transparency because the clients want it unfortunately the Real Estate Board doesn't make it open to where I've done all my deals. How much how many deals I've done and how many years I've been in the business its not open for everyone and that's the biggest problem I think. My name is Ian and if you have any questions. You  could always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!