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Blog by Ian Watt | September 23rd, 2010

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #604 - September 25, 2010




Ian Watt video blogs about how he often gets hate mail from anonymous people who seem to be avid fans and can't seem to stop watching which only proves one thing, Ian's marketing works! If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt: Hi, Good afternoon! It's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Now, I just want to explain who Ian Watt is. Ian Watt is just a realtor. I'm just a little realtor in a little car with a little opinion. About whatever it is I want to talk about with a little camera and I have a little hands. But the thing is, I just have a little website called ianwatt.ca and on ianwatt.ca. It's anything I want to talk about. It's not called real estate knowledge or information, it's not called Vancouver condo (blah,bla,blah). No, it's called ianwatt.ca. So if I want to talk about real estate great, if I want to talk about my socks great, if I want to talk about anything in the world great because it's ianwatt.ca. And it's a diary, it's me, it's what I'm doing, it's what I want to talk about. But here's the interesting thing every week, maybe one, two, three times a week. I get an email from some hater who's sending me an email from some anonymous email. So you can't  reply and they're way to embarrassed or ashamed of themselves so they don't put their own email address. So they put this haters comments. But the thing is I love it. I get an awful in seeing this emails because it's just ianwatt.ca and you can say all the crap you want. But it just proves that this people have come back to my website because the video that I talked about in the morning is what their commenting on. So they'd love to come back and they love to tear a hole in me but it doesn't matter it just prove to me that my marketing is working and it proves that they are fans. Most normal people watch it grab whatever negative information that they think is important to them and move on with their life because they have regular lives. But these simple people are just sending me hate emails and I think it's so funny. They don't even realize their just patting me on the back saying Ian Watt your marketing is so good, it makes me angry but I want to comment on it. That's what it is but I love that they come back and I love that their fans. So email me all you want haters. I think it's fantastic. My name is Ian Watt whether you love me or hate me. You can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!