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The Real Estate Channel on Novus in Yaletown

Blog by Ian Watt | November 27th, 2006

About Real Estate Channel on Novus Channel 80 in Yaletown and Downtown Vancouver


Independent TV, Broadband & Wireless based platforms, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week exclusively on the Novus Network, Channel 80.

The only channel dedicated to Real Estate in Vancouver.

No competition in the multi billion dollar Real Estate industry.

Broadcasting property or service directly to a live audience in the heart of downtown Vancouver.

Advertising solutions customized to our audience's specific needs and requirements.

Our audience

Our Audience

Has a lively interest in real estate and property programs.

Are seeking to invest in property, either for retirement, holiday home, re-location or investment.

Is looking for help and guidance on increasing the value of their homes with the intention of selling.

Are looking to invest in a second home in Vancouver or overseas.