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Cosmo by Concord Pacific coming soon

Blog by Ian Watt | August 20th, 2008

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #120 - August 20, 2008

Who's the marketing genius who came up with this one?

Ian Watt video blogs about the new development by Concord Pacific called Cosmo on West Georgia. The Cosmo has an incredible realtor bonus that certainly makes realtors persuade their clients to buy quick. If want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt: Hey! Good afternoon it's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. I'm just steps away in Science world and heading on East of the Downtown. It's kind of an interesting situation as I've mention before they're not that many developments left in Downtown Vancouver. One of the bigger developers Concord Pacific is pretty much finish up their work. They still have a handful of building to do on their expo 86 site. However they do have a new exciting development. It's coming out very soon. It's located on West Georgia which is a little bit different and they're using all the great buzz words, their appliances, they are money cost of furniture, they have some, they have a fantastic roof top and amenities areas as well. And I recommend looking at it and I'm not a big fun of pre-sales and you know the price of per square foot dictates whether it's a good investment or not. Concord Pacific, I do own a Concord Pacific building and I do recommend them or by I don't know to the building I know I own a suite in there. But nonetheless, I am a big fan of a Concord Pacific but this is the funny thing I don't know the pricing and I have to look in to the pricing as just been email to me. But the funny thing is I assume this prices are gonna be fetching million dollars for some of this suite, I don't know but the first fifty realtors get two tickets to the up coming BC Lion Escape. Yes the BC Lions. Of course you can go yo the safe way and get two tickets for $25 dollars or you can buy them from a scrapper down of the street because most of the BC Lions came from about 40% full. So I don't know how the BC Lions gonna be much have been incentives for me to take to my clients and spend a million dollars but the property does look good and the products look great maybe that might be the reason I take my clients down but it's not certainly going to be two tickets to a two up coming BC Lions. My name is Ian Watt always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.caThank you very much and have a great day!