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Ian Watt's Vancouver Condo Real Estate Week in Review for July 17 to 24, 2010

Blog by Ian Watt | July 25th, 2010

Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #580 - July 18, 2010


Ian Watt's Vancouver Condo Real Estate Week in Review for July 17 to 24, 2010


Ian Watt video blogs about the week of July 17 to 24, 2010 in Downtown Vancouver Condo real estate including the areas of Coal Harbour, Downtown, Yaletown (False Creek North), Gastown and the West End. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.


New Condo Listing - 80      (or 16 new listings per day)
Price Changes -   60   (or 12 price changes per day)
Units Sold -   60     (or  12   sales per day)
Total Listings -  1563
Total 2010 Sales - 1650




Ian Watt: Hi, Good afternoon! It's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Doing a week in review from the 17th of July to the 24th. And as of July 23rd of 5 p.m. when the MLS shut down we had 80 new listings it's about 16 per day. We also had, I'm sorry I'm losing my voice here Friday and I don't know what's going on it wasn't that tough of a week. It falls at 60 price reductions which is pretty much what we've seen all year so far since the Olympics. But we've also seeing 60 sales in this week in the entire Downtown core which is Coal Harbour, West End, Downtown, Yaletown and Gastown and that's pretty good that's 12 a day. But what I'm really impressed with, with the best thing about what's happening in the market is are inventory is going down and down and down and that stabilizing our prices. Right now in the active market. We have 1,563 active listings from maybe 200,000 up to 16, 20 million dollar for a condo. And as far as sales is concern. We have 1,650 not a bad year so far and were half way through the year. Good times for realtors like me. Realtors like me who have proven track record. Proven marketing plan and some confidence behind them because what were seeing is that the market is not really what it was one year ago or five years ago. It is what it is right now. But people are making sales. There's not a lot 12 a day. But were doing alright were getting through it. So if your interested in what's happening in the Downtown core and listing your place for sale. My name is Ian Watt and you can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!