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Ian Watt's 2010 Downtown Vancouver Real Estate Year in Review - Part 2

Blog by Ian Watt | January 12th, 2011


Vancouver Condo Real Estate Video Blog #632 - January 13, 2010


Ian Watt's 2010 Downtown Vancouver Real Estate Year in Review - Part 2


Ian Watt video blogs about the Downtown Vancouver real estate Year in Review for 2010 for all 5 areas of the Downtown core which include Yaletown, Downtown, Coal Harbour, Gastown and the West End. If you want to voice your opinion or if you don't care for Ian's comments please email your feedback to ianwatt@ianwatt.ca and visit http://www.ianwatt.ca/RealEstateVideos for all the Ian Watt Real Estate Video Blogs.


Ian Watt: Hi good afternoon it's Ian Watt in Downtown Vancouver. Doing the year in review for 2010 it is January right now. But I'm focusing right now on Downtown Vancouver obviously there five areas Downtown, Gastown, Yaletown, Coal Harbour and the West End. Today were focusing on Downtown, the most expensive sorry I got all my cheat sheets on the dash right here. The most expensive place sold in Downtown this year, last year, 2010 was for 4.375 million for 4,996 square feet at the Wall Center. Coincidentally that is also the largest place sold in the Downtown core. Then we go to the cheapest place and that's at 789 Drake. I like to call that building the sponge because I think it has some issues and because a lot of people I've heard allegedly is a leaky condo and they can't get financing I don't know but that's true but you can dig deeper if you really want to. That was 789 Drake sold for 140,000 dollars and that was 384 square feet just a small one but still cheap is cheaps and that was 366 dollars per square foot cheapest one in Downtown in 2010. Then we go to the opposite end the most expensive dollar for square foot was buy some more on who bought at a new development at the corner of Pacific and Seymour and that one there was 1,110 square feet and they bought it for 1 thou or 1,432,000 dollars. That comes out to 1,290 dollars a square foot and that just include the HST. I don't know what people are thinking on that one and the smallest place sold actually was 395 square feet a studio at the corner of Davie and Richards and that's basically what had happened in 2010 for the most expensive, the cheapest, the smallest price per square foot, the biggest price per square foot and pretty much everything else is average out in between. If you have any questions, my name is Ian Watt and you can always email me at ianwatt@ianwatt.ca. Thank you very much and have a great day!